Tours & Retreat

Prema Wada mean affection. Established on may 2nd 2021. Prema Wada is and idea which focuses on Peace, Love and Relationship. These are the inevitable elements in the journey of experiencing abundance in Life. Founded by Bunda Danu Sunari who has seen and experience Life beyond this gross body. A profound healer, and empath, humane, Bunda Sunari performs and firmly believes in Asceticism where-in she undergoes fasting for months to connect and communicate with Universe for the guidance. Prema Wada works on three concepts namely Budi Pekerti, Tri Hita Karana, Trikaya Parisuda.

Honeymoon Package

We offer special rates on our most popular activities for guests.

Tour Package

We offer special rates on our most popular activities for guests.

Retreat Package

We offer special rates on our most popular activities for guests.

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